Environment Impact Assessment

What is EIA?

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) aims to predict environmental impacts at an early stage in project planning and design, find ways to reduce adverse impacts and shape projects to suit the local environment.

What does the Department do?

The Department examines and processes development proposals, monitors development and ensures compliance.

What is the legislation?

In Fiji, EIA for developments is required under the Environment Management Act 2005 (Act). To support the implementation of the Act, the Environment Management (EIA Process) Regulations 2007 was prescribed setting out detailed procedures for EIA of proposed development activities.

What is the EIA process?

  1. Screening to determine whether an EIA is required for the proposed development proposal
  2. Scoping to determine the scope of the EIA report
  3. Preparation of the EIA report by the proponent
  4. Review of the EIA report
  5. Decision on the development proposal.

Which activities require EIA under the Environment Management Act 2005 ?

The Act applies to development activities or undertakings.

“any activity or undertaking likely to alter the physical nature of the land in any way, and includes the construction of buildings or works, the deposit of wastes or other material from outfalls, vessels or by other means, the removal of sand, coral, shells, natural vegetation, sea grass or other substances, dredging, filling, land reclamation, mining or drilling for minerals, but does not include fishing.”

What is the relationship between the EIA process and other government approvals?

The EIA process must be completed before any other government approval is issued in relation to a development activity or undertaking.